(co-hosted by works-in-progress collective)
Date: Saturday September 17, 2021
(Raindate: Sunday September 18, 2021)
Time: 11am-2pm
Cost: FREE (fill a bag for $5 or pay what you can)
Items: gently used clothing and shoes all sizes
Info & Sign-up: Davisville Back-to-School Kids’ Clothing Swap or email us at: works.in.progressto@gmail.com
Contact: Tanya Murdoch at: works.in.progressto@gmail.com
With kids heading back to school, you may find that their clothes no longer fit. We are all in the same situation, so we are organizing a neighbourhood (Covid safe) clothing swap. Here’s how it works: kids in your household outgrown their clothes? Keep the kids, pass on those clothes to others in your neighbourhood! Need some clothes for quick-growing kids? We’ll have lots to choose from – come fill your bags and keep clothes with life left in them in circulation as long as we can! NEW THIS FALL-ADULT (or older kid) SIZES, which will all be co-hosted at Glebe Road United Church (20 Glebe Road East) AND a repair upcycle advice station, where you can find out how to keep the clothes you love on your back or become something new.
The swap will be held in yards in the Davisville/Mt. Pleasant area all within walking distance of Glebe Road United and June Rowlands park (one size/yard). Volunteers needed to make this a success! You don’t need a yard to host. Please reach out ASAP if you have questions or want to take part as a donor, swapper, or host. Come participate in the local, circular economy (and have some fun 😉.)
Location: Neighbourhood yards across the Davisville area + Glebe Road United Church
Works-in-Progress is an eco-artist collective with roots in Toronto and Hamilton. We make art out of garbage, co-host swaps, and hold workshops. We use recycled materials in art making because reclaiming and up-cycling inspires creativity. After facilitating clothing swaps in Toronto for a couple of years, we hosted a successful pandemic safe swap last fall and want to build on that success with another local swap in Davisville September 17th in partnership with a swap in the Moss Park neighbourhood on September 24 as well.