“I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.”
– L. M. Montgomery

Sunday Worship Schedule
Sunday June 19th — 11:15 AM Regular Worship
Sunday June 26th — 11:15 AM Regular Worship
A Reminder: There will be no services for the month of July. Sunday services resume Sunday, August 7th, 2022.

Pastoral Care
Cynthia is away on vacation from June 30th to July 25th.
For pastoral care emergencies please contact Barbara Buchanan.

The Blessing of the Animals (Fall 2022)
A special event to mark St. Francis of Assisi day with a blessing for your beloved pets and stuffies. Coming in Fall 2022.

Harvest Moon Cabaret (Fall 2022)
This annual event is back this fall featuring the music and lyrics of the Beatles. Join us for a fabulous evening of music.

Glebe Choir
Our choir is a warm and joyful group that welcomes singers of all levels. Join our choir to experience the joy of music and the opportunity to grow your musical abilities. The choir meets Sunday mornings before worship at 10 am.

Outreach and Justice
Glebe has an active refugee committee. If you have passion for justice and are interested in learning more about the refugee process, join us in this important work.

Building God’s Beloved Community
Are you interested in learning more about faith? Join our small book group where you can share your faith story, learn about the Bible and ask questions in a safe and welcoming space.
Join us online on Thursday, June 23, for the book launch of Building God’s Beloved Community.
When: Thursday, June 23, 7:00‒8:00 p.m. ET (4:00‒5:00 p.m. PT)

Affirming Process
Glebe has begun the affirming process, please read the fact sheet to learn more about how you can make Glebe a place that affirms, welcomes and advocates for 2SLGBTQ+ people.

North Toronto Cluster Events
Check out what is happening through the cluster https://www.ntcnow.ca/events. Events this spring include Bible for Busy People, Responding to Canada’s Overdose Crisis – Facts & Actions Seminar, Stories of My Life and our own Junefest!

YMCA Camp at Glebe Road Church
YMCA Summer Day Camp programs have been carefully designed to ignite the potential in all campers. The Toronto Glebe Road YMCA Day Camp is based out of Glebe Road United Church. All programs are supervised by highly trained YMCA staff.
Financial assistance is available.

Coffee Hour has Returned!
We are having coffee after the service on Sundays. As we return to more in person activities and lessening of restrictions, we remind you that everyone’s comfort level is different and to be respectful of people’s personal space. We still continue to provide services over Zoom.

If you have a prayer request to be included as part of our weekly worship or if you wish Cynthia to pray for you or others in her personal devotions please send your requests to prayer@gleberoadunited.org. To ensure confidentiality only Cynthia has access to this email.

Please contact our Treasurer at treasurer@gleberoadunited.org if you need any information on donations or have any inquiries about Glebe’s finances.
Your contribution to the Offering can be made by e-Transfer to Glebe Road United Church using email treasurer@gleberoadunited.org OR by mailing a cheque to the Glebe Road United Church address OR by completing the PAR form.
We are thankful for your gifts of time, talent and treasure which help us all to experience, celebrate and share God’s love. Please continue to give as you can, within your means.
News or Events to Share?
If you have news or an event to share in the next edition of Life at Glebe, please let us know before July 14th, 2022 by filling in the form below or emailing siobhan@gleberoadunited.org. You can attach and image and URL for your event if applicable.